USGS Report on Economic Impact of Ecosystem Restoration

In a newly published report by the USGS and the Department of the Interior titled “Estimating the Economic Impacts of Ecosystem Restoration – Methods and Case Studies” the USGS has found that for every dollar invested in ecosystem restoration, $2.20-$3.40 flows through the U.S. Economy. The study indicates that ecosystem restoration projects provide meaningful economic contributions to … Continued

EIP Partner and Co-Founder Fred C. Danforth dies at 65

Fred C. Danforth, who co-founded the largest private equity firm in the United States devoted to land and stream restoration, died at his home in Mattapoisett, MA on Thursday. He was 65; the cause was gall bladder cancer, as reported by his wife, Carlene Larsson. After graduating from Yale in 1973, Fred’s career in finance … Continued

White House Announces $2 Billion In Private Sector Natural Resource Investment

Following on the Presidential Memorandum from November 3, 2015, private sector environmental investment firms including Ecosystem Investment Partners met at the White House this past Monday to announce $2 billion in new investments.  EIP provides a leading example of for-profit investment in conservation and restoration that addresses public objectives and requirements by making efficient use of … Continued

EIP Closes Fund III With Capital Commitment of $303 Million

Baltimore, MD, February 12, 2016 – Ecosystem Investment Partners (“EIP”), a leading private equity firm, today announced the final closing of its oversubscribed fund, Ecosystem Investment Partners III, L.P. (“EIP III”). With $303 million of equity capital commitments, EIP III exceeded its $200 million target. Monument Group, Inc. once again served as exclusive placement agent. … Continued

What Next Now That The Presidential Memorandum Is Signed?

A link to a recent article by Thomas Jensen, Sandra A. Snodgrass and Bailey K. Schreiber of Holland & Hart, LLP, entitled “The Presidential Memorandum and Interior Department policy on mitigation: their content and implications”, can be found here. This article reviews the content of these important new policy documents that govern the fundamental approach towards … Continued

White House Releases Mitigation Policy Encouraging Private Investment

This afternoon at a Goldman Sachs conference on Environmental Finance in New York, the Obama administration released a Presidential Memorandum (PM) on the subject of ‘Mitigating Impacts on Natural Resources from Development and Encouraging Related Private Investment.’  This PM represents a major moment in American environmental policy because it establishes goals and mandates for all … Continued

Groundbreaking Event in Minnesota

Following on the approval of EIP’s Lake Superior Mitigation Bank last month, a groundbreaking ceremony was held at the 23,461 acre site yesterday.  Huge ‘marsh buggies’ – essentially backhoes on top of floating caterpillar treads that support weight without damaging the fragile peat soils – worked in the background as dignitaries gathered to celebrate the start of … Continued

Lake Superior Mitigation Bank Gains Approval

EIP’s Lake Superior Mitigation Bank obtained final approval from the St. Paul District of the US Army Corps of Engineers and the other federal and state members of the Inter-Agency Review Team today.  According to EIP Director of Operations Dave Urban, both Leslie Day of the Corps and Ken Powell of the Minnesota Department of … Continued

EIP Breaks Ground on Largest Ever Watershed Restoration in West Virginia

On June 29th, Colonel Leon Parrot, the District Commander of the US Army Corps Huntington District joined Chad Story from the office of U.S. Congressman Evan Jenkins, Britanny Vascik from the office of West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin, and the Director of the state Department of Natural Resources Bob Fala for a groundbreaking ceremony … Continued