Author: briteweb
Forbes Article on “How Private Capital is Restoring U.S. Wetlands” features EIP
A recent article on the Forbes website describes progress being made in mitigation banking and the leading role. EIP is working to expand the use of private capital to enable both efficient permitting and large scale restoration. The article describes how the ‘no net loss’ policies in the Clean Water Act have created incentives for investment … Continued
GreenBiz Article Discusses Development in Corporate Environmental Accounting
Corporate environmental performance metrics are expanding into land-based offsets, highlighting EIP’s leadership role and providing a glimpse into the future of restoration credit investing. This article from the online publication GreenBiz describes some new development in corporate environmental accounting, including a discussion of how offsets are increasingly part of corporate strategy to address compliance and … Continued
EPA Proposes Additional Clean Water Act Protection for Wetlands and Streams
The EPA has proposed a new rule clarifying which American streams and wetlands are subject to Clean Water Act protections, intending to resolve long-standing confusion over the proper regulation of seasonal and rain-dependent streams. The question of which particular streams and wetlands qualify for protection under the Clean Water Act has been unresolved for over … Continued
EIP Partner Comments on Stanford Social Innovation Review’s Article on Conservation Finance
Response to “Making Conservation Finance Investable” Mitigation bank credits are a proven way to invest in environmental conservation efforts. BY ADAM DAVIS Compliance-driven offsets are only one of the conservation asset classes described in the article by Fabian Huwyler, Juerg Kaeppeli, Katharina Serafimova, Eric Swanson, and John Tobin, but they are a critical piece of … Continued
EIP II Acquires Two Additional Assets In Florida’s Upper Coastal Watershed
Ecosystem Investment Partners (EIP) is pleased to announce the acquisition of two additional assets in Florida’s Upper Coastal watershed. EIP has acquired the Upper Coastal Mitigation Bank (UCMB), which is the only existing mitigation bank with credit inventory in the watershed. This acquisition allows EIP to manage and sell an inventory of fully certified and … Continued
Ecosystem Investment Partners Announces Development of Stream Mitigation Bank in Eastern Kentucky
Ecosystem Investment Partners (EIP) is pleased to announce the acquisition of 874 acres in the Big and Little Sandy watersheds of eastern Kentucky; the first of multiple acquisitions underway by EIP to establish a large stream mitigation bank servicing the eastern half of the state. EIP anticipates that by early 2014 it will own 5,001 acres … Continued
EIP’s Work to Protect and Restore the Sax-Zim Bog Profiled in the Duluth Tribune
St. Louis County, DNR ready to make land trade involving Sax-Zim Bog by John Myers, Duluth News Tribune A land exchange is in the works that would put the nation’s single largest wetland bank in the Sax-Zim Bog of St. Louis County, one of Minnesota’s most important bird conservation areas. To read the full article, please … Continued
Ecosystem Investment Partners Acquires 9,798 Acres in Southern West Virginia to Establish a Stream Mitigation Bank
Ecosystem Investment Partners (EIP) is pleased to announce its acquisition today of 9,798 acres in Logan and McDowell Counties, West Virginia. EIP will restore, reconnect and protect over 178,000 linear feet (33 miles) of the properties’ streams and riparian areas to establish the Southern West Virginia Stream Mitigation Bank. The properties EIP purchased are located … Continued
Washington Post Op-Ed Focuses on Gulf Coast Restoration and Encourages Private Sector Initiatives by Firms Like EIP
The goal of restoring the Gulf of Mexico has been lost amid bureaucratic squabbling over BP spill fines By Bob Graham and William K. Reilly The Washington Post Published: May 31 Bob Graham is a former governor and U.S. senator from Florida. William K. Reilly was administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency during the George H.W. … Continued
EIP II Acquires 1,095 Acres for a Wetland Mitigation Bank in Tampa, Florida
Ecosystem Investment Partners (EIP) is pleased to announce its acquisition today of 1,095 acres in Pasco County, Florida. EIP will restore the property back to a healthy mosaic of wet pine savanna, emergent marsh, and forested wetlands and develop the Old Florida Wetland Mitigation Bank on the site. The property is located approximately 25 miles north … Continued