Our Solutions
EIP’s mitigation banks, Pay for Performance solutions, and custom projects are designed to meet any ecological restoration challenge. We listen closely in order to understand our clients’ unique needs, working together to solve environmental problems and increase resilience in our natural systems.

Mitigation Banking
Our mitigation bank solutions accelerate and simplify regulatory compliance for businesses who need to offset—or mitigate for—unavoidable, permitted impacts to wetlands, streams and habitat areas. Mitigation banks help necessary development proceed by providing verified and cost-effective offsets in a science-based, responsible manner.
Our mitigation banks are ecologically significant areas that we have acquired, restored to health, and permanently protected. Regulatory agencies that certify the success of our work include:
- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- State and local agencies
These regulators then issue credits to EIP; we offer those credits for purchase by project developers. You can buy and use our credits to permanently satisfy mitigation compliance under a variety of regulations. These include Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Sections 7 and 10 of the Endangered Species Act, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) of the Clean Water Act, and a variety of other federal, state, and local requirements.

Pay for Performance
Pay for Performance solutions build on our mitigation bank offerings, providing full-delivery, large-scale ecological restoration to address a wide range of problems.
With Pay for Performance, our team oversees every aspect of your restoration project:
- Land identification and acquisition
- Permanent land protection
- Project design & Permitting
- Construction
- Management & Maintenance
- Financing
We’ve pioneered this new model of restoration delivery to ensure that you pay only for measurable outcomes once they are achieved, not for activity along the way. Pay for Performance projects use fixed-price contracts, not pay-as-you-go or cost-plus. This means that the price you pay for a fully delivered restoration project won’t change, the timelines are realistic, and incentives are aligned.
In order to meet the highest quality standards, we match our core team’s expertise with knowledge from established local firms. These partnerships help us combine our national perspective with specialized regional experience. Most importantly, we stay flexible and creative in the face of unforeseen roadblocks. Our financial capacity, demonstrated track record, and trusted relationships give us the capacity to make it work.
To learn more about our Pay for Performance solutions, contact an EIP team member. We’ll tell you how we can help you meet your project’s unique requirements.

Custom Solutions
Do you have a vision of large-scale ecological restoration that doesn’t fit the mold of anything you’ve seen or done so far? Our custom solutions provide customers with innovative approaches to outside-the-box restoration and conservation project needs.
EIP is a uniquely qualified and capitalized long-term partner to take you from vision to outcomes. Our veteran professional team is constantly seeking out new ways to make large-scale ecological restoration more innovative and effective. We’ll augment your expertise with our experience, ideas, and relationships – helping you achieve your desired results even in the most challenging circumstances.