Bullfrog Bay Mitigation Bank
Polk County, FL
Mitigation Bank
BULLFROG BAY MITIGATION BANK, located in Polk County, Florida, sits on over 400 acres of wetlands within the southern region of the Reedy Creek Drainage Basin, in the Kissimmee River Watershed. Situated in the South Orlando Disney area, the Bullfrog Bay Mitigation Bank site is surrounded by the Disney Wilderness Preserve (DWP) as well as South Florida Water Management District preserve lands. Bullfrog Bay plays an integral role in connecting the lands between the DWP and the conservation lands, which are vital to the health and sustainability of the mitigation bank’s service areas. Through hydrological enhancements and the removal of agricultural lands within the site, the mitigation bank, and the surrounding conservation lands, we can see increased wildlife movements, plant biodiversity, and improved water quality. In addition, the ecologically significant aquatic system of the Kissimmee River Chain of Lakes also experiences water quality enhancements as a result of the restoration of the Bullfrog Bay site.
Credits from Bullfrog Bay Mitigation Bank are approved by the South Florida Water Management District to satisfy compliance under the Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Program. Currently, State Herbaceous and Forested UMAM Credits are available from the Bullfrog Bay Mitigation Bank.
– Freshwater Forested (SWFWMD)
– Freshwater Herbaceous (SWFWMD)
Basins Serviced: Reedy Creek Drainage Basin, Lake Tohopekaliga, Reedy Creek, Lake Hart, Alligator Lake Gentry, Lake Cypress, Lake Kissimmee Drainage Basins

Our Partners
Greensource Environmental has collaborated with EIP since the beginning of our work in Florida. At Horse Creek, Old Florida, and Upper Coastal Mitigation Banks, Greensource conducted a thorough evaluation of historical land use, and pre-restoration conditions. The team delivered insights that translated into an effective restoration plan — one that only comes with a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of ecological and hydrologic function. As our “Ecological Sherlock Holmes,” the firm helps us find clues on the ground that let us maximize ecological uplift in our restoration designs.