Miradores Pay for Performance
Cameron County, TX
Pay for Performance
MIRADORES MITIGATION SITE, in Cameron County, Texas, lies within the South Laguna Madre watershed. Here, EIP is providing a large-scale, full-delivery wetland restoration solution to a single-user client through our innovative Pay for Performance model. Under this model, EIP delivers all phases of the project for a fixed price, and the client pays as we deliver specific milestones. EIP’s turnkey services include land identification, land acquisition, restoration design, permitting, construction, posting financial assurances, and monitoring through final site success. Our restoration at this site will include re-establishing 350 acres of Texas coastal prairie and enhancing 22 acres of existing coastal prairie and palustrine emergent (PEM) wetlands. Our restoration plan allows 1,155 acres of upland to revert back to thorn scrub habitat.
Several watershed initiatives are underway within the South Laguna Madre that aim to improve water quality, preserve habitat, and replenish and protect coastal and marine resources. EIP’s work at Miradores will help fulfill the objectives of these watershed initiatives by restoring hydrology and depressional micro-topography — all with the added benefit of improving the water quality of the Arroyo Colorado. Our restoration at Miradores augments regional wildlife corridors for important native species, including the ocelot (Leopordus pardalis), a federally and state-listed endangered species that depends on dense thorn scrub habitat for survival.

Our Partners
EIP’s Pay for Performance restoration projects throughout the Gulf Coast require us to meet multiple goals: we deliver customers cost-effective compliance solutions while meeting regulatory requirements and advancing regional environmental priorities. SEG Environmental‘s local biologists and restoration experts help us manage the full range of these challenges with the attention to detail that is required for project success. SEG’s team is responsive, has a great reputation with regulators, and brings deep knowledge of restoration principles and project management to everything they’ve done with EIP across the Gulf South, from planning to implementation to completion.