Media Gallery

World Forest Forum Foundation - Financing of Biocredits
EIP Managing Partner, Adam Davis, joins a panel discussion to discuss the evolving market for biocredits in Europe and share many best practices from the longstanding US Environmental Offset Markets and EIP’s 18+ years of investing in biodiversity and nature-based solutions.

Rewilding the World with Adam Davis
Larger scale restoration projects mean better ecological outcomes, but they’re also more efficient in terms of cost-per-acre.

Celebrating California's largest tidal wetland restoration project
A short report from Wade Crowfoot of the CA Natural Resources Agency, just before breeching the levee on Lookout Slough! This project is a major step forward in protecting the state’s delicate ecosystems and communities.

Lookout Slough: Delta’s Largest-Ever Tidal Wetland Restoration Project Completed
An overview of the levee breeches at Lookout Slough, the largest of its kind in the Delta, featuring narration and interviews with EIP team members.

The Value of Nature Restored
What can be done by investing in adaptation, resilience, and mitigation? An inside look at EIP’s track record in delivering large-scale nature based solutions, our projects across the country, and members of the EIP team and our partners.

An Ecosystem of Partnerships
Learn how EIP collaborates with various, local service providers, public agencies, investors, and others to help drive restoration success, through a close-up look at our projects and partners on the ground.

Delivering the Many Values of Streams Restored
See the direct impact of EIP’s work to repair and restore streams across the U.S., and its remarkable effect on aquatic organisms and other ecosystems after construction.

How the Restoration Industry Creates Jobs
From dried-out wetlands in Minnesota to inactive strip mines in West Virginia, the restoration industry is creating new opportunity through hundreds of thousands of sustainable new jobs.

Climate Positive: 'The Role of Ecosystem Restoration in Economic Development'
EIP Managing Partner, Nick Dilks, discusses EIP’s role in the environmental offset and mitigation banking markets in support of environmental restoration at scale.

Future Ecologies: ‘Making a Living’
EIP Managing Partner, Adam Davis, joins the Future Ecologies podcast to discuss the cultural transformation happening right now — reshaping the intersection of environmentalism and capitalism, and the restoration economy.

Lake Superior: An EIP Restoration Project
View on-the-ground footage from one of the largest restoration-based mitigation banks in the country, located in St. Louis County, Minnesota.

Riverpark: An EIP Restoration Project
Working with local experts, EIP is recreating four wetland habitats intended to move rare species away from extinction, and return the floodplain to its ecological condition.

Lookout Slough: Vogel Island Breach
In October 2022, EIP achieved a significant milestone at Lookout Slough with the first major breach at Vogel Island, resulting in the restoration of historic tidal habitat and hydraulic connectivity, and the reintroduction of daily tidal exchange.

Lake Okeechobee: An EIP Water Quality Project
In partnership with the South Florida Water Management District, EIP is constructing a critical, state-of-the art stormwater treatment facility to reduce phosphorus runoff in Lake Okeechobee and the Florida Everglades.

ELI National Wetland Awards Q&A
In 2023, EIP Managing Partner, Adam Davis, was awarded the Environmental Law Institute’s Business Leadership Award. In this podcast interview, he discusses EIP’s work in wetland restoration projects nationally, and more.

Licking River Mitigation Bank
Snapshots of the various phases of construction as EIP re-establishes, rehabilitates, and preserves 40,984 linear feet of streams in Nicholas County, KY.

Cecil County: An EIP Restoration Project
Nutrient and sediment pollution is the Chesapeake Bay’s most critical threat. Take a look at how EIP is restoring the bay’s waters through natural system restoration in the Upper Chesapeake’s headwaters.

Conservation in Riverside County: Picking Up the Pace
A look into the process behind EIP’s efforts to protect rare species across more than 500,000 acres of beautiful land in Riverside, CA.
Let's Work Together
We specialize in solving complex problems. Our mitigation banks, Pay for Performance solutions, and full-delivery custom restoration options are designed to meet a wide range of environmental restoration and conservation challenges.
Our Solutions