Laguna Madre Pay for Performance
Cameron County, TX
Pay for Performance
LAGUNA MADRE MITIGATION SITE is a Pay for Performance project in Cameron County, Texas, located along the Laguna Madre Estuary. Known as “the hatchery” by local residents, the property was historically used as an aquaculture facility for shrimp production. EIP is bringing the property back to life by removing aquaculture ponds, re-establishing tidal flow, and reconstructing a mosaic of tidal and vegetated flats.
The Laguna Madre is a long, shallow, hypersaline lagoon along the western coast of the Gulf of Mexico in Nueces, Kenedy, Kleberg, Willacy, and Cameron Counties in Texas. It is one of seven major estuaries along the Gulf Coast of Texas, spanning 439 square miles in total.

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EIP’s Pay for Performance restoration projects throughout the Gulf Coast require us to meet multiple goals: we deliver customers cost-effective compliance solutions while meeting regulatory requirements and advancing regional environmental priorities. SEG Environmental‘s local biologists and restoration experts help us manage the full range of these challenges with the attention to detail that is required for project success. SEG’s team is responsive, has a great reputation with regulators, and brings deep knowledge of restoration principles and project management to everything they’ve done with EIP across the Gulf South, from planning to implementation to completion.
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